What is Pop Music?? Are the Charts Actually Rigged?

What really is Pop Music? What does something being “trending” exactly mean?

Hi, I'm Alex, a pop music connoisseur, and I can say it has evolved from many different general beats/audios. 

Pop music can sound the same to the people who do not listen to it often, but here, we are going to dive into the top trending songs, comparing them to the artists’ previous songs and what has currently been trending in the pop music industry.

In recent news, Nicki Minaj had her first ever solo song, “Super Freaky Girl”, hit number one on Billboard Top 100.

If you have any interest in music and pop music specifically, I hope this can be a fun blog you can enjoy reading, commenting on, and respectfully agreeing or disagreeing with everyone’s opinion, including mine.


  1. Hi Alex! I am super excited to read your blog! I love your enthusiasm for pop music and I look forward to learning more about some of your favorite songs and artists!

  2. Yes the queen Nicki. I never knew she posted a new song so thank you for telling me. I'm so glad you chose to write about music!


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